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  Saturday, 21 October 2023
  3 Replies
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Hello, I've been struggling with this question for a while now and have sought answers on Glorian. From what I've gathered the purpose of existence can be summarized as the pursuit of Self-Realization. The various laws governing our reality provide a stage for Self-Realization of the Solar Logos. It seeks Self-Realization because it seeks to understand itself better.

My question is, how could an infinite, perfect being such as the Infinite Solor Logos possibly be lacking Self-Understanding? Would it not already possess perfectly intimate Self-Understanding, thus barring the need to immerse itself into creation? Therefore, if it already understands itself, the purpose of creation is NOT self-understanding but it becomes something like an art project - something Divinity essentially does for fun. I cannot help but question the claim that a perfect, infinite being needs to understand itself better.
Accepted Answer

Good question. Do we fully comprehend the essence of the solar logos? Do we recognize the Being within ourselves? Do we know how to arrive at self-understanding? Is it more about what needs to be achieved within ourselves to comprehend and arrive at self-realization?

Knowing oneself is having achieved identification with one’s own divine Being.

To know that you are identical to your own Pneuma or Spirit, to experience directly the identification of cognizance with the cognizant, is what we can and must define as Self-Gnosis.

Clearly, this extraordinary disclosure invites us to die within ourselves so that the Being can manifest himself within us.

In Gnosis, we understand that the way to self-realization is to ‘die within’ through eliminating our psychological defects (ego). Thereby, giving us an opportunity to develop our level of being towards remembering what has always been there for those of us who have an ear to hear and eyes to see.

We must also understand that it is necessary to work within ourselves to awaken Christ consciousness, thereby providing a connection with the Cosmic Christ (solar logos). In the example of Master Jesus, who incarnated Christ, we must work to serve others to relieve suffering.

I provide a link that gives a bit more depth into self-realization as it is stated:

We said that the Monad is the Being, the spirit, God, within each one of us. Monad is a Greek word which means “unity.” The Monad is a multiple, perfect unity.
Almustafa selected the reply #29852 as the answer for this post — 7 months ago

Indeed, when under the control of the ego, we are separated (disconnected) from our innermost and are imprisoned not only in the flesh but in the mind. The process of self-realization leads to finding what is already there.

I recommend reading the links previously sent, particularly the one on the Monad. Also, you may delve into the Pistis Sophia as it is a very detailed dialogue on the process of ascension and the suffering that goes with it.

There is work to do in order to gain freedom. It is an alchemical process that, with patience and persistence, leads to the veil being lifted and towards freedom that comes when we truly know ourselves.
7 months ago
So the purpose of life can be understood as "achieving identification with one’s own divine Being."
Okay. But if this Divine Being exists independently of matter, then why am I in this prison of flesh, assailed by Ego and Desire and indentured to the passage of time?

Don't you see? This reality becomes a prison of sorts. Is this Divine Being of mine and yours waiting to be manifested? Or is it waiting to be found? Yes, that's my question - is this innermost aspect of ourselves *forged* or *found*.

And if it is found - that means it already exists. And if it already exists, we somehow became disconnected from it. How did this come to be?
Accepted Answer

Good question. Do we fully comprehend the essence of the solar logos? Do we recognize the Being within ourselves? Do we know how to arrive at self-understanding? Is it more about what needs to be achieved within ourselves to comprehend and arrive at self-realization?

Knowing oneself is having achieved identification with one’s own divine Being.

To know that you are identical to your own Pneuma or Spirit, to experience directly the identification of cognizance with the cognizant, is what we can and must define as Self-Gnosis.

Clearly, this extraordinary disclosure invites us to die within ourselves so that the Being can manifest himself within us.

In Gnosis, we understand that the way to self-realization is to ‘die within’ through eliminating our psychological defects (ego). Thereby, giving us an opportunity to develop our level of being towards remembering what has always been there for those of us who have an ear to hear and eyes to see.

We must also understand that it is necessary to work within ourselves to awaken Christ consciousness, thereby providing a connection with the Cosmic Christ (solar logos). In the example of Master Jesus, who incarnated Christ, we must work to serve others to relieve suffering.

I provide a link that gives a bit more depth into self-realization as it is stated:

We said that the Monad is the Being, the spirit, God, within each one of us. Monad is a Greek word which means “unity.” The Monad is a multiple, perfect unity.
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