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Women Have the Power to Change the World Through Sacred Sexuality

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"It is certainly women who are able to transform the world, if that is what they want. The woman holds in her hands the key of power. Even the masculine biology is controllable by the woman; in fact, the woman controls the biological activities of the man (she has this power, and it is extraordinary, wonderful). The only thing that she must do is retain this prodigious force, this creative energy of the Third Logos. She must not allow it to escape, she must not permit it to merge into the universal currents. It is for this reason that the married woman, in the chemical or metaphysical copula, must assume an edified and essentially dignified attitude.

"Obviously, the Sacred Order of Love stems from the Earth’s most ancient times. We can recall (in Greece) the priestesses of love, the Hetairas (ἑταίρα). They were sacred in the most complete sense of the word, and knew how to administer that which is called “love,” and men had to be obedient to them. Let us recall there in the lands of Japan, the supreme priestesses. They ministered that which is called “love.”

"Unfortunately, the people of this modern century have lost the true feeling of love. The modern woman must turn to the ancient wisdom, she must begin to educate the man. Sex is one hundred percent sacred, and she must teach the man veneration for love and respect for sex. If the woman acts in this manner, she will be able to transform the world in a definitive manner..."

A Reading from "Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: Love, the Key of Spirituality and the Chemistry of the Soul" by Samael Aun Weor (

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